Rarely do individuals with complementary skillsets get to unite to embark on a once-in-a-lifetime project. It’s even rarer for them to share a common vision and pursue a shared goal with unwavering passion. However, the documentary film Steadfast made all of this possible.
Despite significant challenges, including a pandemic that ground filming to a halt, we forged ahead in pursuit of a film that would leave a lasting impact on audiences. With each obstacle, we found new ways to move forward, emerging stronger and more united. Just as the subject matter of Steadfast celebrates the power of resilience, our own journey in creating it stands as a testament to our grit, creativity, and unwavering fortitude in the face of adversity. Our film is a tribute to the enduring human spirit, inspiring audiences for generations to come.
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Steadfast: The Messenger And The Message is regularly screened at various venues in Canada and internationally. Check out the screening schedule to find a venue near you.
Lite It Up Corporation,
146 Thirtieth Street, Suite 211
Toronto, ON M8W 3C4
(647) 704-3009
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